Justin Valenti is an artist from Gaithersburg, Maryland. Since graduation, he has taken classes at Montgomery County Community College and Exceptional Minds in California. He works at the VisAbility Art Lab at VisArts with digital media, drawing, fluid painting, printmaking, and ceramics.
His other interests include drumming and spending time with his dog, Koda. He is one of the drummers in a band called Neurodiversity.

Justin completed job training with Project SEARCH which gives people who have disabilities the opportunity to gain skills for the workplace.  He is now employed by NIH where he often gets to use his graphic design skills. Justin graduated from The Arc Maryland’s Partners in Policymaking program in September 2019. He is currently on the board of directors for The Arc Maryland. Justin has exhibited artwork and animations in Maryland, Virginia, and California.

He published his first book, Blast From the Past, in September 2018 and his second book, Meeting the Girl, in May 2019, his third book “The Zania Virus” in 2021, his fourth book “Social Sharks” in 2023, and his fifth book “Drawings by Hand” in 2024. Check out his online portfolio and upcoming events to meet him!
Interview with Capital News Service, 2023

Artist Statement

As an artist, I am interested in themes related to nature, animals, pop culture, and digital art. My work is based on kinetic and optical art. This means that I use optical illusions as backgrounds in my artwork and the objects in my artwork look like they are in motion. Most of my artwork is based on pictures that I take myself and find online and almost all of my backgrounds are original. I create backgrounds using optical illusions in Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop and place my drawings on top of these backgrounds. I also super impose images of animals and pieces of pop culture, placing them into an interesting setting for the viewer to explore. One example is the stapler in the picture below, which looks three dimensional on top of the optical illusion. I also like to create fluid paintings both at home and at a local art studio!